Dear WSS K-5th Parents,
White Sands School will be offering a selected number of students the opportunity to participate in our Summer Learning Academy. It is the chance to participate in 8 EXTRA days of learning on the following dates: June 7-16th, from 8 am to 2:45 pm. The purpose of the Summer Learning Academy is to create a pathway in strengthening students’ learning in prioritized literacy and math standards & a heavy focus in science. We will have classes for K-5th. The learning will be provided through a hands-on collaborative learning environment in a face to face environment at the school. Breakfast, and lunch will be a part of the program. Acceptance into the program will require a full commitment in regards to attendance for the entire 8 days of the program. Please fill in the form found in the document section if you would like for your child to participate in this super opportunity. Please see attached letter of intent. Please return forms by May 15th, 2023 if you would like your child to participate.