Flu Season Letter from the School Nurse

Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach fall flu/COVID-19/RSV season, we urge parents/guardians to be
watchful for signs of illness in their children before sending them to school.
ANY student who is not feeling well enough to learn should be kept at home until they
feel well enough to participate in school.

· Fever- If your student has a temperature greater than 100°F, he/she should stay
home for 24 hours fever free without medication before returning to school.
· Diarrhea- Keep your student home until his/her stools are formed and your healthcare
provider has cleared him/her to return to school. Make sure your child stays wellhydrated.
· Vomiting- Your student needs to stay home if they have vomited twice or more in the
last 24 hours. He/she can return to school after symptoms are gone and/or your
healthcare provider states he/she is no longer contagious.
· Sore throat- If your student has been diagnosed with strep throat, he/she needs to
stay home for 24 hours after starting antibiotics and no longer has a fever.
If your child becomes ill while at school, a parent/guardian will be notified and expected
to pick up student within 30-45 minutes of the school official contacting the

Decisions about when to keep your child home from school should consider the
following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, fever, chills, fatigue,
sore throat, congestion, or runny nose. COVID Testing is recommended if a student is
experiencing one or more of these symptoms. If your child tests negative for COVID19, please consider seeing a doctor to rule out other contagious illnesses.

If a student tests positive for COVID-19, please keep your child home from school for
the five days following the start of their symptoms. Please contact your school so that
their attendance can be appropriately marked as a "Remote Learner" for the duration
for their home isolation.

Those returning to school from 5 days of isolation for COVID-19 are requested to wear
a mask at school for the next 5 days.
Additionally, vaccines for flu, COVID-19 and RSV are available at multiple pharmacies
and clinics in our community.

Thank you. – Nurse Kirsten 575.674.1241