Joseph Flores, LCPS Fine Arts Coordinator of Teaching of Learning, was recognized during the Board of Education meeting last night for his recent induction into the 2024 New Mexico Music Educators Association (NMMEA) Hall of Fame.

Emily Bennett was recognized during Tuesday's School Board meeting for earning the New Mexico Art Education Association Art Educator Advocacy Award.

The district formally inducted the late educator and statesman J. Paul Taylor to the Legacy Wall, recognizing several members of the Taylor family who were in attendance. Taylor served the district for 34 years as a teacher, principal, and administrator.

The district made several notable recognitions during Tuesday night's School Board meeting, including outgoing Board of Education Member Carol Cooper, Dist. 5. Board members thanked Ms. Cooper for her dedication and leadership on the board, keeping the goals of the district in the forefront.
“You lead with an open mind and an open heart,” said Vice President Cort, who added that it was a pleasure serving with Cooper.
Superintendent Ruiz recalled the support he received from Ms. Cooper when he arrived at the district, ensuring that the district always kept the needs of students first.
Mr. Frank, who replaced Cooper on the dais, recalled the close elections between the two, and how they grew to have tremendous respect for one another.
President Tenorio, who joined the board alongside Cooper in 2020, recalled her time with Cooper during a tumultuous time on the board – coming out of a ransomware attack, a global pandemic and personal tragedy after the sudden loss of late superintendent Karen Trujillo. She applauded her hard work to make the district the best environment for students.
Ms. Cooper addressed the board following a standing ovation, noting that “Of all the people I’ve been around – the caring and talented people I’ve been around – and the joy of putting kids first has been an honor. I’m so excited for our school district (with) Mr. Ruiz. I encourage us as a community to help our students focus on great outcomes that we know are possible. Every single student has purpose, and a need for education to be able to fulfill their purpose in life.”

LCPS community,
The district remains in communication with the National Weather Service in Santa Teresa on a cold front moving into our area later today and continuing through Tuesday. Temperatures are expected to drop significantly overnight, with below-freezing wind chills expected.
At this time, school will start on schedule tomorrow morning. but please send your students to school with coats, hats and other accessories (gloves, scarves). If possible, drop off students who normally walk to school or limit times at bus stops to keep students warm. School buildings will be open to students once they arrive on campus.
Please continue to monitor your email, cell phones and news sources for updates should the situation change.
Las Cruces Public Schools
ACTUALIZACIÓN: Alerta meteorológica invernal para el lunes
Comunidad LCPS:
El distrito permanece en comunicación con el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional en Santa Teresa con relación a un frente frío que se está dirigiendo hacia nuestra área desde hoy más tarde hasta el próximo martes. Se espera que las temperaturas bajen significativamente durante la noche, con temperaturas bajo cero.
Por lo pronto el día de mañana las clases empezarán a la hora de siempre, pero por favor, manden a sus hijos a la escuela con abrigos/chamarras, gorros y otros accesorios (guantes, bufandas). Si fuese posible lleve a la escuela a los estudiantes que usualmente caminan a la escuela o limite el tiempo de espera en la parada del autobús para que los estudiantes pasen el menos frio posible. Los planteles escolares estarán abiertos para que los estudiantes entren en cuanto lleguen.
Por favor continue revisando su correo electrónico, teléfonos celulares y las fuentes de noticias para que esté al tanto de cualquier cambio.
Escuelas Públicas de Las Cruces

Join us for an LCPS Spring Fundraiser Training to learn more about school-sponsored fundraisers on Jan. 4, at 3pm in the Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex 505 S. Main St, in Conference Room A. Please see flyer for details.

This morning, three members of the LCPS Board of Education took their oaths of office during the swearing-in ceremony for re-elected board member and current president, Teresa Tenorio, Dist. 4, and newly elected members Patrick Nolan, Dist. 1, and Ed Frank, Dist. 5.

Las Cruces Public Schools invites parents, students, staff and the Las Cruces community to provide feedback on budget priorities through its annual budget survey, open now through Jan. 12, 2024.
Click here for more information: https://www.lcps.net/article/1379405.
Visit: lcpsfinance.net to take the survey today!

Thank you to our friends at Southwest Disposal of Las Cruces for bringing so much joy and happiness to hundreds of LCPS students this holiday season!
On Dec. 8, the team at Southwest Disposal built 180 bicycles 🚲 that will be donated to students across the Las Cruces Public Schools in conjunction with the Las Cruces Safe Routes to School program. 🦺
On Dec. 11, Southwest Disposal presented bikes to 30 children at Hillrise Elementary School and 30 children at Columbia Elementary School. ❤️
Today Southwest Disposal made their fifth delivery to Tombaugh Elementary School.
Thank you, Southwest Disposal of Las Cruces for your partnership and the many years of dedicated service to the students of Las Cruces Public Schools.

Exciting day at the first-ever LCPS ESPORTS Showcase hosted by Organ Mountain HS. Many schools attended to watch high schools and middle schools squaring off in a Rocket League and League of Legends tournament. Attendees at the Elementary level also enjoyed one-on-one gaming opportunities at the informational expo.
Produced by LCPS.TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTCzW_CBHnM
#esports #nmaa #OMHS

LCPS busca la opinión pública sobre las prioridades presupuestarias
La encuesta, disponible en inglés y español, está abierta hasta el 12 de enero de 2024
Las Escuelas Públicas de Las Cruces invita a los padres, estudiantes, personal y a la comunidad de Las Cruces a proporcionar comentarios sobre las prioridades presupuestarias a través de la encuesta anual de presupuesto, que está abierta desde ahora hasta el 12 de enero de 2024.
La encuesta se puso en marcha después de la reunión pública del miércoles por la noche en la que los participantes recibieron una visión general del proceso presupuestario y un cronograma de cuándo se presentará un presupuesto final para su aprobación por parte de la Mesa Directiva de Educación de LCPS.
Como parte de ese proceso, el Comité de Encuesta Presupuestaria, un grupo que incluye a administradores, maestros, padres y miembros de la comunidad, dirigió una sesión de recopilación de información. Al comité se le asignó la tarea de finalizar la encuesta, que obtiene información pública adicional sobre las prioridades de gasto en el distrito.
Se celebrarán reuniones públicas adicionales en el primer trimestre de 2024. De acuerdo con el Departamento de Finanzas de LCPS, las reuniones actualizarán al público sobre los resultados de la encuesta y proporcionarán detalles sobre cualquier ajuste al presupuesto antes de presentar un borrador a la Mesa Directiva de Educación para su aprobación. Esas reuniones están programadas para el 12 de marzo, el 8 de mayo y el 21 de mayo de 2024. Todas las reuniones se llevarán a cabo en la sala de juntas del Complejo Administrativo Dra. Karen M. Trujillo a las 5:30 p.m.
La encuesta comunitaria de presupuesto, disponible en inglés y español, se puede acceder aquí y está abierta hasta el 12 de enero de 2024: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/fin2025

Survey, available in English and Spanish, is open through Jan. 12, 2024
Las Cruces Public Schools invites parents, students, staff and the Las Cruces community to provide feedback on budget priorities through its annual budget survey, open now through Jan. 12, 2024.
The survey went live following Wednesday night's Budget Town Hall meeting, where attendees were given an overview of the budget process and a timeline for when a final budget will be presented for approval by the LCPS Board of Education.
Part of that process was an information-gathering session led by the Budget Survey Committee, a group that included administrators, teachers, parents and community members. The committee was tasked with finalizing the survey, which gathers additional public input on spending priorities in the district.
There will be additional Budget Town Hall meetings in the first quarter of 2024. According to the LCPS Finance Department, the meetings will update the public on the results of the survey and provide details on any adjustments to the budget before presenting a draft to the Board of Education for approval. Those meetings are scheduled for March 12, May 8 and May 21, 2024. All meetings will be held in the boardroom at the Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex at 5:30 p.m.
Take survey: The LCPS Community Budget Survey, available in English and Spanish, can be accessed in the link and closes Jan. 12: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/fin2025

It’s an exciting day at Organ Mountain High School as students compete in the first-ever LCPS esports Showcase. The tournament kicked off this morning with team matches for Rocket League and continues with League of Legends. Thank you, First New Mexico Bank of Las Cruces for sponsoring this wonderful event. Shout out to NMSU for collaborating with LCPS today.

It’s an exciting day at Organ Mountain High School as students compete in the first-ever LCPS esports Showcase. The tournament kicked off this morning with team matches for Rocket League and continues with League of Legends. Thank you, First New Mexico Bank of Las Cruces for sponsoring this wonderful event. Shout out to NMSU for collaborating with LCPS today.

It’s an exciting day at OMHS as students compete in the first-ever LCPS esports Showcase. The tournament began this morning with team matches for Rocket League & continues with League of Legends. Thank you, First New Mexico Bank of Las Cruces for sponsoring this wonderful event.

It’s an exciting day at Organ Mountain High School as students compete in the first-ever LCPS esports Showcase. The tournament kicked off this morning with team matches for Rocket League & continues with League of Legends. Thank you, First New Mexico Bank of Las Cruces for sponsoring this awesome event! Shout out to our friends at NMSU for partnering with LCPS today.

It’s Esports Week! Join us for the first annual Las Cruces Public Schools Esports Showcase Tournament Event - all day Thursday, 11/30. Free and open to students and the community.
Also check out the eFlavor Showdown, eCanvas Clash, and NMSU eLounge Expo all happening at Organ Mountain High School. Please bring your driver’s license or district ID for admission. See you there!
If you haven’t already, be sure to follow @lcps.cte and @lcps.activities on Instagram #lcpsroadrunnerrally

SAVE THE DATE! Mayfield high school students in the ENLACE program are teaming up with community partners to host the 2023 Noche de Luminarias on December 9th, from 6-8pm.
Come see the Mayfield High School campus decked out with holiday spirit, enjoy hot drinks from Francy Emilade, great food from Los Corrales, treats and goodies, silent auction, caroling, pictures with Santa and hay rides.
Performances from the Mayfield Choir, Mayfield Orchestra, and Mayfield Diversity Dance.

Expand students' horizons with the power of books. Apply now to become an Associate Librarian at: https://www.lcps.net/page/career-opportunities
#education #libraries Going above and beyond for every student, every day.

Las Cruces Public Schools is partnering with the Walmart pharmacy on Valley Drive to provide staff, students and their families with the flu vaccine and the Moderna COVID vaccine.
The clinic will be held at the Operations Center at 505 S. Main on Monday, November 27 from 2-6pm.
Walmart requires health insurance to receive vaccines and does not accept TriCare. For those who wish to receive vaccines and do not have insurance, please contact the New Mexico Department of Health at 575-528-5006.
Las Escuelas Públicas de Las Cruces se está asociando con la farmacia de Walmart en Valley Drive para proporcionar al personal, los estudiantes y sus familias la vacuna contra la gripe y la vacuna de Moderna contra el COVID.
La clínica se llevará a cabo en el Centro de Operaciones en 505 S. Main el lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2-6pm.
Walmart requiere seguro médico para recibir las vacunas y no acepta TriCare. Para quienes desean recibir las vacunas y no tienen seguro, por favor comuníquese con el Departamento de Salud de Nuevo México al 575-528-5006.