“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Parents and Families,
We are thrilled to announce that this summer, we are partnering once again with NM PED to bring back the Literacy Summer Institute! This program is designed to help Kinder through 8th-grade students strengthen their reading skills through intensive, focused instruction.
If you are interested in this opportunity for your child, please visit the Literacy.NM.Gov link on the flyer for more information and to register.
Here are some key details:
Dates: June 2 – June 27, 2025
Days and Times: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM (4 hours/day)
Student-to-Teacher Ratio: Approximately 1:4
Sites: Six locations in our district (4 elementary schools and 2 middle schools, specific sites TBD)
Meals: Will be provided at the sites
Transportation: TBD
We look forward to another impactful summer of learning! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Esther Peterson at epeterso@lcps.net with any questions, and don’t forget to check out the flyer for more details.
Thank you for supporting your child’s growth and success!

Las Cruces Public Schools is seeking feedback from families regarding calendar options for the 2025-26 school year. Three calendar options are currently under consideration, and drafts for the 2026-27 and 2027-28 school years will follow similar structures to the proposed options (A, B, and C).
Learn more: https://www.lcps.net/article/1969982

Every day, we are surrounded by extraordinary educators who ignite passion, empower students, and shape the leaders of tomorrow. Their dedication and tireless efforts create a lasting impact on our schools and communities, and it is time to honor their unwavering commitment.
If you know a teacher who consistently goes above and beyond to make a difference, take a moment to nominate them for Teacher of the Year. Your nomination not only recognizes their hard work but also shines a spotlight on the excellence that thrives in our classrooms. Together, let's celebrate the educators who inspire greatness and build a brighter future for all!
To nominate a teacher, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/62CJ8X7 or scan the QR code on the flyer. The deadline to submit nominations is Monday, January 20.

January is here, and it's bursting with excitement as we kick off 2025 with epic LCPS activities! The competition season is in full swing, and we're cheering on our incredible students and teams as they gear up for unforgettable challenges. Best of luck to all our competitors!

LCPS remains on a two-hour delay today. Roads are clear and buses are moving. Pickup times and start times are two hours later than usual.

ALERT: Our LCPS website and all school sites are down, and the outage appears to be external. We are working diligently to get it back up and running, but in the meantime please monitor LCPS social media pages for weather-related updates. Parents, we will continue to communicate using email and text message notifications. Thank you in advance for your patience.

A medida que llegan las temperaturas más frías, ¡no olvides vestirte acorde al clima! Abrígate para mantenerte cómodo todo el día. Consulte el gráfico a continuación para obtener consejos sobre cómo abrigarse. ¡Manténgase abrigado!

As cooler temps roll in, don’t forget to dress for the weather! Layer up to stay cozy all day long. Check out the graphic below for tips on bundling up. Stay warm! ❄️🧣 #WinterReady #StayWarm

Calling all education supporters! 🎉 Join the LCPS Foundation on Feb. 7th at 6pm at the Las Cruces Convention Center for a fun-filled evening! Enjoy live mariachi, folklórico dance, great food, and exciting raffle prizes. 🌮 Plus, local celebrities will judge a tortilla-rolling contest! All proceeds support LCPS educators. #SupportEducation #LCPSF
Learn more: https://lcpsf.org/golden-tortilla-rolling-contest/

Thanks to Cruces Creatives for the Community Share Program that supports teachers and provides students with hands-on learning with STEAM projects!
The team had a blast at Sunrise Elementary, where students used a mini grant from Cruces Creatives to create moving bristle bots.
To join the Community Share network, contact: Cheryl Carreon, Education Coordinator at c.carreon@crucescreatives.org or Abby Nayra, Community Outreach Coordinator at a.nayra@crucescreatives.org

Thanks to Cruces Creatives for supporting teachers and students with hands-on learning!
The team had a blast at Sunrise Elementary, where students used a mini-grant from Cruces Creatives to create moving bristle bots.
To join the Community Share network, contact: Cheryl Carreon, Education Coordinator at c.carreon@crucescreatives.org or Abby Nayra, Community Outreach Coordinator at a.nayra@crucescreatives.org

December is a month filled with opportunities to express love, gratitude, kindness — and if you can, help others during a time of need.
As the temperatures drop, many of our very own neighbors in the community struggle to stay warm during the winter season. That is why Las Cruces Public Schools is asking for your support to help spread kindness in community.
From Dec. 8, through Jan. 8, LCPS will be collecting new or used blankets, coats, gloves, socks, or other warm clothing to help those who need it most.
Please consider making a donation at any of our donation drop boxes located at 505 S. Main St., Suite 249 in Central Office, TLC, Operations, and the Health Services building.

Las Cruces Public Schools will host a Town Hall meeting for Spanish-speaking families to discuss the redistricting plan for LCPS.
The Town Hall meeting will be held tonight, Dec. 5 at the Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex, at 5:30 p.m.
The process of redistricting is outlined in Policy JCAA, which gives the Board of Education authority to alter geographic attendance zones based on the opening of new schools or shifts in population.
For more information, please visit the district’s Redistricting Plan website: https://www.lcps.net/o/lcps/page/redistricting-lcps
El distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Las Cruces está organizando una reunión pública para familias de habla hispana para hablar sobre el plan de reestructuración distrital de LCPS.
La reunión se llevará a cabo esta noche, 5 de diciembre, en el Complejo Administrativo Dra. Karen M. Trujillo, a las 5:30 p.m.
El proceso de reestructuración distrital está detallado en la Política JCAA, que otorga a la Mesa Directiva de Educación la autoridad para modificar las zonas geográficas de asistencia escolar en función de la apertura de nuevas escuelas o cambios en la población.
Para más información, visite el sitio web del: https://www.lcps.net/o/lcps/page/redistricting-lcps

Wish Upon A Star deadline extended to Dec. 9 to sponsor a gift for an LCPS child for Christmas
Dear Friends of Las Cruces Public Schools,
Together we can help make the season bright by sponsoring an LCPS student in the Migrant Education Program. With your support, we can make this holiday a truly special one for them. A Star Tree has been set up in the front lobby of the Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex, 505 S. Main, Suite 249.
The tree has star ornaments with the names of students along with their clothing sizes and Christmas wish. If you would like to participate, please select a star(s) and bring it to the front desk receptionist, Melinda Sanchez, or to the Federal Programs Department to register your star(s).
Gifts will need to be wrapped and returned to the Federal Programs Department by 5:00p.m., Thursday, December 9, 2024. We appreciate your interest and support in participating in the 2024 Migrant Education “Wish Upon a Star” gift-giving project.
To learn more or to refer others to join our efforts, please contact Dr. Iggy Campos in the Department of Federal Programs at 575-527-6643 and 575-997-5348 or icampos@lcps.net.

Las Escuelas Públicas de Las Cruces invitan a los miembros de la comunidad a proporcionar su valiosa opinión sobre el proceso de reestructuración distrital que se está realizando ahora a través de una encuesta pública. La encuesta estará abierta del 21 de noviembre al 10 de diciembre y el distrito anima a todas las familias y al personal de LCPS a compartir sus puntos de vista.
El proceso de reestructuración distrital aborda temas críticos como el hacinamiento en las escuelas de East Mesa, el balance de las inscripciones en las escuelas preparatorias integrales y el ajuste para los cambios demográficos en todo el distrito. El distrito se está enfocando principalmente en balancear el cupo en las escuelas, mejorar el transporte y planificar el crecimiento a largo plazo, incluida la posible construcción de nuevas escuelas en áreas en crecimiento como Redhawk y Peachtree.
Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y a proporcionar su valiosa opinión sobre el proceso de reestructuración: https://www.lcps.net/article/1889436

Las Cruces Public Schools invites community members to provide valuable input on the ongoing redistricting process through a public survey.
The survey will be open from November 21 through December 10, and the district encourages all LCPS families and staff to share their perspectives.
The redistricting process addresses critical issues such as overcrowding in East Mesa schools, balancing enrollment at comprehensive high schools, and adjusting for demographic shifts across the district. The district is particularly focused on balancing school capacities, improving transportation, and planning for long-term growth, including the potential construction of new schools in growing areas like Redhawk and Peachtree.
Please click here for more information and to take the survey: https://www.lcps.net/article/1889436

¿Le gustaría que su hijo(a) aprenda más sobre exploración de carreras, aprendizaje basado en proyectos o liderazgo estudiantil? Inscríbalos para la Intersesión de primavera que se llevará a cabo del 18 al 20 de marzo para los grados Kínder a 5º.
Por favor, escanee el código QR en el volante para completar el enlace de interés preliminar.

Would you like your child to learn more about career exploration, project-based learning, or student leadership? Register them for Spring intersession happening March 18-20 for K-5th grades.
Please scan the QR code on the flyer to fill out the preliminary interest link.

Attention LCPS families! Our friends at Casa de Peregrinos want to help families in need this holiday season, just in time for Thanksgiving.
Casa de Peregrinos teamed up with LCPS to distribute 150 turkeys and sides to families who can use the support!
Boxes filled with turkey, corn, green beans, potatoes and stuffing will be distributed to families at the LCPS Operations Complex, located at 2101 Tashiro Road at 1:30p.m. Meals will be distributed on first come, first serve basis!