On May 2, 5th graders from every Elementary School at LCPS competed in the track and field meet at the Field of Dreams Sports Complex under the coordination of Tanna Miller. Great job to all the student athletes who competed!
LCPS.TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryrL8g5Voyw

Take a look at how LCPS 4th graders engage in learning activities at the 10th Annual Children's Water Festival hosted by the City of Las Cruces.
Produced by LCPS.TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpTpEITlnQ4

Please join us in congratulating all of the nominees from every campus at LCPS, up for the Teacher of the Year and Educational Support Personnel of the Year award!
Earlier this month, district leaders recognized each employee nominated from their school during the celebration for campus employees of the year. Please see the list of campus employees of the year in alphabetical order by school in the link below.
Congratulations to the top ten finalists in the district who were nominated for LCPS Teacher of the Year and Educational Support Personnel of the Year!
Nominees from each campus: https://lcpssrts.my.canva.site/lcps-campus-employees-of-the-year

Our Dual Language Think Tank group of educators are here and ready to work! We continue the mission to have best Dual Language program in the state, for all LCPS
students! ¡Adelante! #NM #LasCruces #LCPS #DualLanguage

Columbia Elementary students surprised Vigil & Associates with thank you cards expressing their excitement for their brand new school, which is in the very early stages of construction with the pouring of its first foundation. #VA_Architects #LCPS #ColumbiaElementarySchool

Today, teachers and students from Organ Mountain High School gathered to view the solar eclipse event on April 8, 2024.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6oN0NNLJDs

If you missed the 2024 Tell The Story LCPS Film Showcase, LCPS.TV will take you down the red carpet to catch all the glitz and glamor from student filmmakers.
You'll even meet the competition winners and hear more about their movies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOcWm2T_Rnw

It's TRIVIA TIME‼️ Join us for an evening of great food, good friendship and exhilarating trivia at the LCPS Foundation Trivia Night!
Teams of 3-5 individuals can participate by registering at www.lcpsf.org
Team cost is $55. All proceeds benefit educators and students in Las Cruces Public Schools! Best of all.....CASH PRIZES awarded to the top 3 teams!!
Festivities begin at 6:30 pm! at The Game II, 4131 Northrise.

It's World Autism Awareness Day! Today we celebrate the unique talents and capabilities of those we love on the autism spectrum! Always remember, YOU make this world a better place! #AutismAwarenessDay #Inclusion #UnifiedChampionSchools #NMSpecialOlympics #CelebrateDiversity

Join LCPS for the Safe Routes to School Family Bike Fiesta! The event is happening on April 27, 2024 at Lynn Community Middle School from 9am-noon. See flyer for details!

Congratulations to Las Cruces Public Schools for again being selected as one of the NAMM Foundation Best Communities for Music Education!

LCPS parents, a police investigation with the Mesilla Marshal's Office will close a portion of University Ave. between Stanford St. and Old Farm Rd. The closure could impact traffic near Zia Middle School, Mesilla Park Elementary, Mesilla Elementary and Rio Grande Preparatory Institute. Please expect possible delays with buses and plan an alternate route if you are picking up students in the area.
Padres de LCPS, debido a una investigación policial por parte de la Oficina del Marshal de Mesilla, estará cerrada una porción de University Ave. entre Stanford St. y Old Farm Rd. El cierre podría afectar el tráfico cerca de Zia Middle School, Mesilla Park Elementary, Mesilla Elementary y Rio Grande Preparatory Institute. Por favor espere posibles retrasos con los camiones y planee una ruta alterna si va a recoger estudiantes en el área.

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation hosted an information session in Las Cruces, New Mexico, for nonprofit organizations in Doña Ana, Luna, and Otero Counties on Friday, March 22, 2024. The organizations who attended learned about the initiatives of the Health Foundation and how we are #InvestingInHealth in our region. Learn more about the Health Foundation at pdnhf.org.

Join student filmmakers from Las Cruces Public Schools tonight and tomorrow night as they unveil their own movies for the first time on the big screen! The event is free to the public!
The red carpet event will begin at 5p.m. in the lobby at Cineport 10 on March 20-21. The showing for student-produced films will begin at 6p.m. and at 7:15p.m.on both nights.
The student-produced submissions for the 168 and 48-hour film competition will be showing at 7:15p.m. on March 21 only.
Learn more: https://www.lcps.net/article/1514187

The 2nd annual Tell the Story LCPS Film Showcase will be on March 20-21 at Cineport 10, Allen Theatres. LCPS will be rolling out the red carpet for student filmmakers, families, and the community as we celebrate a night of cinema.
Learn more: https://www.lcps.net/article/1514187

The Second Annual Tell the Story LCPS Film Showcase — Motion Picture Roundup
Join student filmmakers from Las Cruces Public Schools as they unveil their own movies for the first time on the big screen. This year, more than 200 student produced films and broadcast videos were submitted for the Tell the Story LCPS Film Showcase. The theme for this year is Motion Picture Roundup.
The second annual Tell the Story LCPS Film Showcase will be held on March 20-21 at Cineport 10, Allen Theatres. LCPS will be rolling out the red carpet for student filmmakers, families, and the community as we celebrate a night of cinema.
Click here to learn more: https://www.lcps.net/article/1514187

Acompáñenos esta noche, por la tarde, a la reunión pública sobre el presupuesto de LCPS que se llevará a cabo en la sala de juntas del Complejo Administrativo Dr. Karen M. Trujillo a las 5:30 p.m.
Aprende más: lcpsfinance.net

Join us tonight for the LCPS Budget Town Hall meeting happening in the board room of the Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex at 5:30p.m.
Visit: lcpsfinance.net for more information

Attention all current 5th grade Las Cruces Public Schools students and their guardians! LCPS will be hosting multiple opportunities for current 5th grade students to try/test & select a band instrument in preparation for 6th grade, next year.
You are encouraged to attend the Expo closest to your elementary school, but you are welcome to attend any Expo date that best fits your schedule.
Questions? Contact the middle school you plan to attend next year and leave a message for the band director. We look forward to launching you on your musical journey!

Calm & Breathe: Teen Yoga for Stress Relief - This week, Downtown Desert Yoga will be offering middle and high school students free yoga classes at Downtown Desert Yoga, 303 S Alameda Blvd, Las Cruces, NM 88001.
Classes will be held at 1:30p.m. on March 11 - March 15.
Students can register by phone: 575-805-3262 (ask for Javier) or sign up online on the downtown desert yoga webpage https://downtowndesertyoga.com/